Tuesday, May 19, 2020


Source:  Washington Post

The Washington Post has a map of the current restriction of the States on their website.  

The article indicates public health officials have warned with the increase in activity new cases could surge, that most schools have ended their academic year and the death toll for the US is currently 88,000.

If you scroll down below the article there is a dropdown where you can select a certain state and it will jump to provide additional detail.

Below is a screenshot of the State that I live in, Indiana.

As I live in Indiana it varies.  Where I live while some restaurants opened back up at 50%, many are still just doing carry-out and delivery.

On some of the retail outlets that have opened up, the number of people in the store is limited and enforcement depends on the store.   

Most stores have it listed on the door how many people are allowed in a store and have reduced hours.   The enforcement of the number of people in a store varies.  Costco is very stringent and there is a line and they won't allow a new person in if overcapacity until another customer leaves and the lines can be very long.  On the other end of the spectrum, it doesn't seem that Ollie's Discount Outlet enforces at all. 

Stores with carts usually have someone dedicated to wiping them down and those that have been wiped down are in a separate location that unwiped carts.

Most stores have up plexiglass shields in front of the cashier and there are marks in masking tape on the floor for social distancing every 6 feet.

Also, some store requires face masks.  Menards only allow those over 18 and must wear a mask. 

How is your state or country handling reopening?  If you have anything to share, please feel free to leave a comment.

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