Sunday, September 9, 2018

23 Companies That Will Pay for Your College Degree

Although school has already started for Fall sessions, thought I would share the link below from 
Krazy Coupon Lady as an informative post 23 Different Companies That Will Pay For College, which is useful if you are thinking about going to college or know someone who is.  

This could be especially if you are wanting to pursue studies beyond an undergraduate degree as financial aid that is available is even more scarce.

When I worked at Wells Fargo 20 years ago, I took a few classes and received tuition reimbursement upon successful completion of the courses.  They did require it be job related and I had to turn in paperwork and obtain approval ahead of time.  You also believe you have to have above a B to obtain full reimbursement.  I do recall they reimbursed for tuition only; no books, class fees or any other fees.  The downside is you have to come up with the funds in advance and might have to carry finance charges for a few months (I put mine on my credit card).  If you qualify for a student loan, you can pay it down with the reimbursement so you don't have as high of a balance after graduation.

If you are employed and don't want to switch jobs, be sure to check with your Human Resources Department to see if they offer any tuition reimbursement or assistance programs as it isn't something that companies always include mentioning in their orientation program.   

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