Sunday, August 27, 2017

Lay's Wavy Potato Chips - Fried Green Tomato

This chip is one of 3 contenders for Lay's Potato Chips Do Us A Flavor competition where fans submit chip ideas, a few are chosen for testing and the public gets to vote for their favorite and the winner will be kept.

The above was at Subway and I included it in my meal to make it a Combo and I decided to try the Fried Green Tomato as the Everything Bagel didn't sound like it would go well with my sub any more than the Crispy Taco, which are the other two contenders which I plan to try before the contest ends.  

 Here is what the bag looks like open.  In trying the chips they are very crunchy like they have been deep fried, but I really didn't taste much tomato.  Was more like an overdone french french fry with seasoned salt.  I wanted to see if it was just me so I had the person I was with taste a few and they too got the deep fried taste of a potato, but not really anything else.

Although it sounded like a good concept, it failed on the execution to me and this one will not be getting my vote.  However...

They were a great addition to my sub sandwich to give it a crunchy texture to take it to the next level of great.  Nearly any sandwich can be improved if you add any kind of potato chips in my book and I am surprised more places aren't including it on their sandwiches.

Here is the nutritional information on the back of the package.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Link to Free Crochet Pattern for Cabbage Patch Hat

How cute are these?   While my Mom was a master at crocheting but I have only dabbled and never got very good at it.  My Granny Squares in high school looked more like the "Eye of God" that kids make a Summer Camp and the afghan I crocheted during/after college was a trapezoid of an attempted shell pattern.

Still, these hats are so cute I might have to dust off the crochet hooks I have and give this a try some time, but wanted to post to share this find with others.

The creator of the hat at Grow Sew Happy advised not to use a wool yarn, just one skein of acrylic Baby Yarn , specifically "Vanna’s Choice from JoAnns.) and that is is a size 4” yarn, also known as Worsted Weight yarn. 

She has instruction for making hat from babies up to 2T.

For the pattern instructions see:

Link to free crochet patterns for Cabbage Patch Ha

An example for a 6-12 month old

"Round 1: ch 3, join to form loop, ch 3, 10 dc
Place a “marker yarn” in a different color to keep track of rounds.
Round 2: 2 dc each dc around. (11 sets of 2)
Round 3: *2 dc in next dc, dc in next dc*, repeat from * around.
Round 4: *2 dc in next dc, dc in next 2 dc*, repeat from * around.
Round 5-8: dc in each dc around.
Round 9: sc in each dc around, 1 slip st.
turn the hat inside out, slip st into last sc made, then start loop stitch
Round 10-13: loop stitch in each stitch around.
Round 14: sc in each stitch around."
To make the Pigtails
"Cut 50 strands of yarn, 15 inches long. Tie a 10 inch string in the middle of the strands with a double knot. Comb pigtail with fingers to straighten it out. Cut a piece of yarn 10 inches long, tie with a double knot three inches from the top of pigtail, let ends hang to become part of the hair. Cut a piece of yarn five inches long, tie with a" double knot one and half inches from the first hair tie, let ends hang to become part of the hair.
To attach the Pigtails
Use the top loose string ends to join to the hat between rows 4 and 5. Trim the pigtail one inch down from the second hair tie. Tie a 12 inch ribbon bow over the mess you made in joining. Repeat"
I vaguely recall ch is short for "chain", and dc is short for "double crochet"and sc for "single crochet".

Screen shot from video above

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Arby's Pizza Sliders - Limited Time Offer - Review

I have liked Arby's other sliders, so I decided to try out their current limited-time offer of a Pizza Slider (where I live they have a promotion for $1 per slider, but that can vary).

The slider is on roll topped with Pepperoni, Provolone Cheese, Genoa Salami and Marinara with garlic.   As advertised, it has the flavor of a pizza except on soft bread instead of a pizza crust. 

I was concerned when I saw it that it might be too much bread to sandwich ratio, but it wasn't.  It was filling and delicious and was good for an afternoon snack to keep me going when I wasn't going to have time to eat until much later.  

  • Has the flavor of pizza in a small sandwich.
  • Easy to eat on the go.
  • Was very filling 
  • Fewer calories than a full-sized sandwich if you want something a bit lighter.

  • 300 calories for a small sandwich - 
  • Can give you indigestion.  If you have issues with acid reflux you want to be sure you have meds with you or you might want to pick a different option.

Arby's website indicated the following nutritional information: 
Serving Weight (g)95Saturated Fat (g)6Total Carbohydrates (g)23
Calories300Trans Fat (g)0Dietary Fiber (g)1
Calories from Fat150Cholesterol (mg)35Sugars (g)2
Fat - Total (g)17Sodium (mg)930Proteins (g)13
An asterisk (*) denotes that this item is not a significant source of this vitamin or mineral.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Sinful Colors in Peaches N Cream - Kandee Johnson Vintage Collection - Review

Sadly the only place I am now finding anything from the  Kandee Johnson Vintage Collection Sinful Color Nail Polish is at Big Lots, which is where I purchased the above bottle for $1.99.  

The polish is a peach color mixed with a bit of white for the peaches and cream color and it has a matte finish.  I love the color, but I wish this too had been in "Sugar" finish like a few other in the line because with the matte finish it is not very forgiving if you just apply it on your natural untreated nails and you can see ridges and imperfections more easily.

I think this polish would work better if you use a ridge filler before applying, apply a top coat (but that will take away the matte property of the polish) or best option, apply to acrylic nails.