Sunday, December 31, 2017

Burgundy and Tan .99 Cent Scarf Purchased on EBay

I wear scarves nearly every day as they can quickly change the look of an outfit and has the added bonus as doubling as bib when you are eating and if you drop of bit of spaghetti or salad with dressing off your fork as long as it lands on the scarf you can take it off and rinse it and still have clean clothes and not smell like spaghetti or salad dressing the rest of the day.

I purchased this scarf from seller moj-81 on EBay for only .99 shipped.  It is shipped from China so it can take up to 3-4 weeks to receive (took 21 days for this scarf).

It is 100% polyester and ones like these are pretty much wash and wear, but if you felt it needed to be ironed you would want to be sure to keep on a very low setting and maybe even a pressing cloth or you could melt where the iron touched.

Like many sellers, offering change over time and other sellers my have similar.  If you are looking for certain type, fabric or color you can go to Scarves.  For this one, I was looking for a burgundy or wine colored scarf to go with a dress I had purchased and I like the colors and pattern on this one.

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