Sunday, May 6, 2018

How to Organize Your Freezer Like a Pro | Epicurious

As part of my declutter, I am gearing up to tackle my fridge so using this short video on freezer organization as inspiration, with the main points being:

  • Take everything out of of the freezer
  • Get rid of anything that won't be used - a great point in this video was make something and don't like it, it is not going to taste better after being frozen 6 months later - let it go.
  • Sort thing into categories.  
  • Label items and include the date.
In preparation for this will head to my local Dollar Tree for:
  • Masking tab and a Sharpie - while fancy label look professional, they are more costly - just going to go old school on this one.
  • Plastic bins (hopefully clear ones)
  • Freezer bags

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