Saturday, August 31, 2019

Closet Purge - Thrift Store Donataion

As part of my continuing declutter, before I went thrift shopping this weekend I went through more items to donate to charity.

An article I read indicated taking a picture of items to let go can help if it is sentimental so here goes.

In the above picture, the yellow baby hat was crotcheted by a former co-worker when my son was born. There are also several shirts that were his that are too large, like the Shelby Racing shirt in front, or too small.  I hung on to them in hopes he would have a child that might want to wear them someday.    He is now 26 and has no children and he has said before he doesn't want any.  Time to let them all go. 

The vest below was used in a movie that my son was in through a local video production company, Windsong, for their movie "Michalimacinaw" set in the 1770's.   I couldn't afford an authentic costume so I bought a blazer, took the sleeves off, shoulder pads out and changed/added buttons. 

While the transformation was minimal on my part, there was a lot of effort on my part to get him to rehearsals and shoots and many times I tried to sleep in the car as I had to be into work at 7pm and work until 8am.  We also went up to Mackinaw City where they filmed at the Fort up there.  We had a good time and have great memories of our few days up there.   

Not something he would ever wear again and Halloween is coming up; maybe someone else can use it.  

Nope, never going to wear parachute pants again.  Maybe someone has a 90's themed party that might love them.

This was a little more painful as I loved these shoes, but I can no longer wear heels. I haven't worn them in over 15 years so time for them to go too.

This was a present and I did like the scarf, but see how it wrinkles?  I don't like to iron so it is going too.

This was probably the hardest of all to let go of as I have had it for many years and only wore it around Christmas.  I am sure people are tired of seeing it and it is bulky and takes up too much space for something I wear a few times (or less) in December.  Also, I have lost weight and it is way too big and would be a pain in the butt to resize it to make it look decent.  Time to be welcomed to another gal's closet to bring holiday cheer.

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