Saturday, March 21, 2020


As I purchased some items at a recent half-price sale at thrift stores, in keeping with my declutter plan that an equal to or greater than numbers of items need to go out I picked out all except the fix-it books for donation.

The Fix-It books had belonged to my ex, Marv, and they were purchased through Reader's Digest Do-It-Yourself Manual and Fix It Yourself Manual and I believe these were purchased in 1990 right after we purchased the house.  I believe he used one as a reference to fix a dryer to replace and element instead of buy a new one and saved us hundreds of dollars.  

They are very informative books and I would recommend them to anyone who owns a home.   Usually more updated versions are available at your local library.

Most of the videos have have seen several times and now available on streaming services, should I want to see them again.  What will miss, as I do with LPs, it the artwork and photos that are on the box used to market the products.   

I am trying to sort through my vast collection to donate all but what I really love, that way I can donate them while people still have VHS tape players to watch them.

As I am not a country fan, the CD is a leftover from when I was engaged to a man that was.   Not sure why he left this and chose to take my Rick Springfield's Greatest Hits and Foreigner 4 CDs.  

I donated clothing as well but the photo didn't turn out.  I have lost weight and sorting through what is too big and getting rid of it as an incentive to keep the weight off, which is even more of a challenge due to the isolation of  mostly staying in due to the Corona virus.

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