Monday, October 7, 2019

Thift Store Donation and a Haul

A local thrift store, the Franciscan Family Thrift Store, was having a half-price sale recently, so to keep up with my de-clutter agenda to not bring home anything without getting rid of the same or more I packed up a few items in the box above.

There is an answering machine with caller id as some school kid might have a "Bring some old technology to school" day to share with the class. 

There is a Halloween mask tucked in the right lower corner that was my son's from probably 2002. The Teddy bear is probably from the same year and I had planned on making a shabby chic wreath using him until I realized he was too thick for the screen door to close if I did. 

The rocking horse candle holder I bought through a fundraiser at my son's school when he was in Jr. High.  I rarely burn tapered candles and the rocking horse with toys looks a little out of place a middle-aged woman's bedroom.  For some reason, I keep picturing an old movie with Bette Davis called "What Ever Happened to Baby Jane" that I watched on late night tv one time.  Let's just say her character was a few quarters short of a roll so it was time for it to go.

The Christmas decoration is attached to a wicker sleigh that I had intended to take the decoration out and adapt the sleight for a  GI Joe and  Barbie my son had that he no longer played with (he insisted GI Joe needed a girlfriend when he was young.  Mostly of the time her legs were stuck in a dinosaur's mouth and GI Joe would come to the rescue).  The pinecone were to have been transformed into me reindeer with pipe cleaner legs and googly eyes and red pom-pom nose.  That was over 10 years ago too and as I never got around it, maybe someone else can enjoy it.

In the back is a light-up Christmas painting of the Nativity that I won at a family Christmas bingo game and put up for years.  Since my son moved out, I don't decorate for Christmas anymore so in the box it went.

As the box was full, the below Trivial Pursuit game ended up in a plastic grocery bag. I thought this would be fun to play but no one was interested in family gatherings we had so no reason to keep it around.


This is less than half the stuff I started out with inside my cart t as I went through it several times and asked myself:  "Will I really wear this on a regular basis?".

I ended up with a sweater for $2.50 and 3 scarves for .99 cents each.  On the scarf on the left, I was on the fence about because it has colors that are in my wardrobe and I don't have a scarf with those colors, but not a really liking the blotchiness.  I decided if I find I don't wear it much I may bleach it, dye it or just donate it back.

Does anyone else have these dilemmas?

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