Monday, October 28, 2019

Thrift Store Find: Butterick 4808 - Late 1970's Dorothy Hamill Tops

This is another pattern I found at a thrift store recently and would have purchased it had it been in my size.  

I sort of wished I had bought it as I liked the pleated sleeve detail I have on a garment before.  I might have been able to adapt that to use on another pattern, but I am trying not to drag home anything I will not actually use.

Those under the age of 30 may only know her from her brief stint on Dancing With The Stars in 2013, but Dorothy Hamill was a 1976 Olympic figure skater and this was one of her endorsement deals after that win.  She was captivating to watch on the ice.

In the above picture, she is wearing her signature hair cut that many a gal copied as it was flattering if you have a nicely-shaped head, long neck and pretty features (which left me out of getting this cut) and easy to care for.

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