Thursday, January 25, 2018

Closet Decluttering & Organizing Inspiration Video

It was good to see the above video on Dominique Sachse Youtube channel where she cleans out not one, but two of her closets and organizes her home office.

I know my closet declutter is going to take a lot longer than 4 hours and will probably do it over a period of time, but this video has inspired me to:

  • Buy some clear storage containers to I can organize items and see what is in the containers
  • Start at to bottom and work up
  • Have boxes or bags to sort items into:
    • Keep
    • Donate or give away
    • Recycle 
    • Trash
I have lived where I at for over 15 years and I have a hall closet that started as a "Holiday" closet to store seasonal decorations,ribbon and wrapping paper.   As there was plenty of space left I put towels in there, then  decided to store jewelry boxes in there and those were pushed back to make room for craft items and fabric for projects. I added used bubble mailers as they can cost $1 or more to buy new, a bubble jet printer as backup (do they even make ink for that anymore?).  They were joined by some 3 1/2 inch floppy disks with pictures stored on them and a sundry of items I can no longer even remember. 

I think before I start on that, I will work on the more obvious areas in the living room as that is what people see, but it is a goal to have done before the 100 day declutter is over.

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