Monday, January 15, 2018

100 Day Challenge - Declutter - DAY 10 -Takeout Plastic Tableware & 2015 Carmike Cinemas Popcorn Bucket

Item:                      Takeout Plastic Tableware & 2015 Carmike Cinemas Popcorn Bucket

Owed for:               1-3 years

Why I kept it:    
  • When we would get takeout and take it home (mostly from Fazoli's), I would save the plasticware fork/knife/napkin figuring could use it for a picnic until it over took an entire drawer.  Obviously, was getting takeout more than picnicking.
  • .Kept Carmike Cinemas Popcorn bucket for sentimental reasons and figured I could use it for something.
Why letting go:   
  • All are taking up too much space and they are not needed.  Going forward can write a post about the movies we see to remember the good times instead of physical object.

Took to Celebration of Life for a relative over the weekend and plan on taking into work to as we                      have "food" days frequently/

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