Thursday, January 11, 2018

100 Day Challenge - Declutter - Day Eight - Son's Favorite Fire Truck Small Blanket

Item:                   Son's Favorite Fire Truck Baby Blanket

Owed for:           22+ Years

Why I kept it:    
  • It was my son's favorite blanket from the time he around 2 years old to 5 years old. He spotted it when he was 2  at a thrift store and wanted it as it had dogs on a fire truck on it.  He used to carry it around with him everywhere .until we used it to try to put out an engine fire my Taurus (ended up putting out by pouring Diet Coke on it).. It is bigger than most baby blankets but not as big a a full size so it was easy for him to carry around, but still cuddly to cover up with for a nap without being too small.
Why letting go:   
  • My son is 24; he has long forgotten this blanket.
  • It is in really rough shape. The center area had a slight burn that I cut away, but he didn't want fixed.   I tried to reinforce it with Heat N Bond, some fabric scraps and zig zagged and darned the heck out of it for donation - what it looked like before is below.
  • Batting and backing are still in good shape.

Destination:    Local ASPCA Animal Shelter.

Although the decluttering is slow going right now, I am trying to get rid of things I have held onto for a long time to make it easier to get rid of things I don't have as much of an attachment before starting on any specific area.   

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